Monday, May 24, 2010

remember you're beautiful.

i never know how to update people about myself.
i complicate life a lot, so it is hard for me to summarize all of it.

top ten things on my mind right now:
(in no order)
1. traveling [to canada & seattle].
2. moving? [options: st. louis, back home, magnolia, chicago, else where]
3. family tings.
4. my relationships [friends, the Lord].
5. really missing my dear, dear friend who moved out today.
6. future [marriage, family, school, job, housing].
7. music. music. music.
8. making priorities.
9. shoot. dang. it is hot & humid out.
10. what do i want?

i am trying to get things together.
my thoughts, future plans, my act(ions), all that other stuff.
this summer should be a good one; i'm planning on it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i vote st. louis! :]
i miss you dear.