Thursday, February 25, 2010


i feel so small in the big city
where people & buildings are surrounding me.
-antsy pants.

trying not to get my hopes up about things.
just trying to better myself with the Lord's help.
i feel as if i get too pumped about things before they happen.
just trying to "keep it real".

things that need to happen/ things that might happen:
go to canada for a week.
go to seattle with my aunt.
move out.
get a job.
become humble.
be in jen&joel's wedding.
finish these things.
find my passport.
(try to) fulfill (some of) 2 corinthians 13:11 in my life.

finally, brothers, rejoice.
aim for restoration
comfort one another
agree with one another
live in peace;
and the God of love & peace will be with you.
-2 corinthians 13:11

[happy to announce, i haven't restored my facebook (yet). but next month, it might happen.]
[it's happening.]

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