Tuesday, September 7, 2010


too many things on my mind.
trying to simplfy it by making this a light-hearted post.

thinking about getting this on maybe my upper arm... whaduya think?

i'd leave out the sweet octopus legs, though. sad to say. but yeah.
i can't get over how beautiful the swirls & colors are.
& i can always tack on how the Lord is my anchor through all the storms of life.
which is true. so true. oh my dear sweet holy Father, it is true. You are my balance, my anchor, the wind in my sails, the boat on which i want to live forever, and the love which makes it all possible.

i want to take a nice long warm bath in the Lord's love & never get out.
oh Lord, forgive my lame analogies. but i want/need Your love.

today is going to be a good day.
so will tomorrow. and the next day. and the day after that. and the day after that.

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