Monday, December 6, 2010

threw my back out dancing.
sleepover (x2).
took christmas pictures.
went to milwaukee.
christmas party (x2).
late nights & late mornings.
won 25 dollars.
finished season one of dexter: so insane.
laughed a lot.
[good weekend!!]


" will never know how much I love you because you will never know how great a sinner you really are. never will you know. your heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all else and every day you explore the depths of your heart and you think you've found the deepest depth. you think you've soared to the highest height, gone out to the ends. but oh, the boundaries of your sin are beyond your comprehension. how can you know the depth and width and height of My love when you haven't even begun to comprehend the dimensions of your sin? for My love is relative to your sin, I can tell you this: where sin abounds, My grace will much more abound. where sin exists, My love exists in dimensions that far exceed. you can never know all there is about My love because you cannot comprehend sin as I comprehend it..."

never will i know.
Lord, You are so beautiful. thank You for continuing to reveal new depths of Your love to us.

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