Tuesday, October 5, 2010

here i am, Your's.

hurting hearts, you can be made new
poke a teeny, tiny hole in your heart
for Him to shine His light through
you will be made bright white
& as a dove, take flight over this guilt
that has enveloped itself around your soul so tight.
-b. hathaway.

recently, my emotions have been giving me a run around the world.
happy, sad, angry, nothing, hurt, whoknows, etc.
but through it all, there has been this little whisper of hope.
i talked more about it in the last post.
the Lord has giving me all these little reminders of His constant love.
He has never left me, He has never forsaken me. & He never will.
He will always be. He has always been. & He is right now.

He has not let me squirm out of His grasp: i've tried for too long to try to wiggle out.
after my emotional-tornado has passed, it never makes any sense why i try to run away
from the one & only constant in my life, the only Savior in my life, the only Hope in my life.

thank You for loving me.
thank You for hearing me.
thank You for healing me.
thank You for saving me.


so, i counted today.
since the first weekend of july,
i have only been home (in chicago) for three weekends.
three months & only three weekends.
also, i am going out of town this & next weekend.

"you are practically a gypsy"
-emily garcia [about my travels].

1 comment:

Betty said...

Love you, thinking of you, praying for you.

Oh, and why is it that you are always posting about how I am feeling?!?! Sheesh. Small world. Know you're not alone.